Working Luncheon with Mr. Stelios Ramfos,Philosopher and Writer , 13/02/2020


Piraeus, February 17, 2020



The Piraeus Marine Club Enhances Its Role as a Center for Regional Intelligence for its Membership


On Thursday February 13th, 2020 the Piraeus Marine Club featured a talk as a part of its series of Working Luncheons highlighting key current events issues, this time with honored guest speaker the Philosopher and Writer Mr. Stelios Ramfos, entitled “Thalatta – Thalatta” describing the behavior and mentality of modern Greeks and how they shaped the modern Greek State.

The audience had the opportunity to raise questions to Mr. Ramfos and an engaging and fruitful discussion ensued.

For further information please contact Mr. Evripides Salapasides, Piraeus Marine Manager, at 210 42 93 606 or email:   or visit our website:


Pictures are following


The President of Piraeus Marine Club Ms. Irene S. Daifas delivers a honorary plaque to

the Writer Mr Stelios Ramfos after his speech.





Maria Prevezanou, Treasurer of the Piraeus Marine Club, on behalf of the BoD, organized the 19th International P&I Conference on 30th January 2020.

This highly successful event is the only forum where 12 of the 13 Pool Clubs participate, providing the members of the shipping community the opportunity to interact first hand with Club representatives and discuss the prevailing topics of the industry.








Working Luncheon with honored guest speakers Dr.Thanos Dokos & Mr Athanasios Ellis,5/12/2019

Piraeus, December 11, 2019



The Piraeus Marine Club Enhances Its Role as a Center for Regional Intelligence for its Membership

On Thursday December 5th, 2019 the Piraeus Marine Club featured a talk as a part of its series of Working Luncheons highlighting key current events issues entitled Geopolitical Developments: Risks and Opportunities and bringing together two highly regarded experts for an exclusive connection with Piraeus Club members.

Dr. Thanos Dokos, Deputy National Security Adviser to the Prime Minister, Doctor of International and Strategic Studies of Cambridge University, spoke on and analyzed the very critical issues on the tension in the Aegean and the Greek–Turkish relations’ prospects, while Mr Athanasios Ellis, Senior Diplomatic Editor and Columnist for the daily KATHIMERINI enlightened the audience on changes and developments in US politics.

Dr. Dokos subject was the “Greek foreign policy challenges and choices within a deteriorating Security Environment” emphasized the higher degree of conflict rising between Greece and Turkey which could have significant consequences not only on the two countries but in the region generally and reflected on the continuing clashing of even simplistic aspects of coastline borders which remain to date a serious point of contention.

Mr. Ellis subject was “US foreign policy during the Trump administration and the forthcoming Presidential elections”

The members had the opportunity to raise questions and delve deeper into the topics while the two distinguished speakers provoked an engaging discussion.

For further information and photos please contact Mr. Evripides Salapasides, Piraeus Marine Manager, at 210 42 93 606 or email:   or visit our website:

Pictures are following


The President of Piraeus Marine Club Ms. Irene S. Daifas welcomes our special guests and principal speakers


The two speakers at Piraeus Marine Club, Dr. Thanos Dokos & Mr Athanasios Ellis on the right





Ιδρυση Τράπεζας Αίματος “Αλέξανδρος Σταματιάδης”



Ίδρυση Τράπεζας Αίματος Αλέξανδρος Σταματιάδης

Αγαπητά Μέλη,

Στο πλαίσιο της κοινωνικής υπευθυνότητας της Ναυτιλιακής Λέσχης Πειραιά, ιδρύεται η Τράπεζα Αίματος της Λέσχης με την διακριτική ονομασία Αλέξανδρος Σταματιάδης, στη μνήμη του εκλιπόντος μέλους της, υπό την αιγίδα της Τράπεζας Αίματος Δημήτρης Βλων.


Με το αιματολογικό της αποθεματικό,  η Τράπεζα Αίματος θα εξυπηρετεί ΑΜΕΣΑ βάση κανονισμού, με ένα τηλεφώνημα καθόλο το 24ωρο, τις ανάγκες για αίμα και αιμοπετάλια των οικογενειών και των συνεργατών των μελών της αλλά και γενικότερα πασχόντων συνανθρώπων μας.


Οι τρόποι που θα μπορείτε να δώσετε Αίμα, Πλάσμα ή Αιμοπετάλια στην Τράπεζα Αίματος Αλέξανδρος Σταματιάδης και να σώσετε μία ζωή είναι οι ακόλουθοι:


Α) Με επίσκεψή σας σε οποιοδήποτε νοσοκομείο δηλώνοντας πως το αίμα σας προορίζεται για την Τράπεζα Αίματος Αλέξανδρος Σταματιάδης.


Β) Με δική σας κλήση στην Ν.Λ.Π. ώστε να προσέλθει στην εταιρεία σας κινητή μονάδα αιμοληψίας σε συνεργασία με το Νοσοκομείο Σωτηρία και για λογαριασμό της Τράπεζας Αίματος Αλέξανδρος Σταματιάδης.


Γ) Συμμετέχοντας στις ομαδικές Αιμοδοσίες που θα οργανώνει κάθε χρόνο η Ναυτιλιακή Λέσχη Πειραιά.


Προκειμένου να δημιουργηθεί το απαραίτητο αποθεματικό, η Ν.Λ.Π. οργανώνει την 1η ομαδική Αιμοδοσία, προσκαλώντας όλα τα μέλη της, μαζί με το προσωπικό των εταιρειών τους, την Τρίτη 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2019, από τις 10.00 έως τις 15.00, στον 9ο όροφο της, αίθουσα «Σταματίου Μάσια Ρέστη».


Έμπειρο ιατρικό και νοσηλευτικό προσωπικό θα καθοδηγεί και εξυπηρετεί τους εθελοντές. Θα προσφερθούν χυμοί, καφές και σάντουιτς.


Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες για την διαδικασία που θα ακολουθηθεί ή για τον τρόπο λειτουργίας της Τράπεζας Αίματος, τα μέλη μπορούν να επικοινωνήσουν με τον Διευθυντή της Ναυτιλιακής Λέσχης Πειραιά, κο Ευριπίδη Σαλαπασίδη (τηλ. 210 42 93 606, ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο  ή να επισκεφτούν τους ιστοτόπους της Λέσχης ( ή της Τράπεζας Αίματος Δημήτρης Βλων (


Η Πρόεδρος, το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο και το προσωπικό της Ναυτιλιακής Λέσχης Πειραιώς περιμένουν όλα τα μέλη και τους συνεργάτες τους να αγκαλιάσουν την πρωτοβουλία αυτή και να συμμετάσχουν στην αιμοδοσία, αποδεικνύοντας την ευαισθησία και πολύπλευρη προσφορά τους!





Παρακαλούμε η πρόσκληση να προωθηθεί στην διεύθυνση του γραφείου προσωπικού των εταιριών σας, και να ανακοινωθεί στους εργαζόμενους σας.

Ζητάμε το κάθε γραφείο προσωπικού να μας ενημερώσει για το ενδιαφέρον συμμετοχής της εταιρίας σας, καθώς και πιθανό αριθμό συμμετεχόντων μέχρι τις 29/11/2019

Για την καλύτερη εξυπηρέτηση των ενδιαφερομένων ακολουθεί φόρμα με τα προσωπικά στοιχεία του κάθε υποψήφιου αιμοδότη την οποία επίσης ζητάμε συμπληρωμένη στο  μέχρι τις 29/11/2019

Όλα τα προσωπικά στοιχεία θα παραμείνουν εμπιστευτικά και για αποκλειστική χρήση των διαχειριστών της Τράπεζας Αίματος ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΣΤΑΜΑΤΙΑΔΗΣ

Maria Prevezanou – staying Ahead of the Game in o Man’s World – The National Herald


Maria Prevezanou is the principal of Evmar Marine Services Ltd, an independent brokering company specializing in marine insurance products such as P&I, H&M, War.

It is a well-established company with offices in Piraeus that has insured more than 650 vessels and has a substantial client list of prominent shipowners, including some of the most influential Greek names in shipping.

Prevezanou has also been treasurer on the Board of Directors of the Piraeus Marine Club since 1996.

On behalf of the Board of the PMC she has been responsible for organizing for the last 18 consecutive years the annual P&I Seminar, which is one of the most significant events at the PMC.

It aims to keep people in the shipping industry up to date with developments in insurance matters. Over the years the P&I Seminars have become an institution of the PMC with P&I clubs, shipowners, and other shipping professionals all looking forward to the event.

The National Herald: How do you define success?

Maria Prevezanou: Success neither comes overnight, nor does it have any shortcuts. I had to work very hard to earn the respect and acceptance of my business associates and clients. I believe that the daily challenges, as well as the excellent personal relationships I have built over the years, are crucial to my success. Being spontaneous and intuitive also led to my accomplishments.

I have always said that I did not plan my career carefully. I was, however, captivated by shipping, and was ambitious and hard-working from the onset.

I never said no to things I was secretly scared to do. I have not been afraid to make mistakes or ask even the most obvious of questions.

For some people, success is pure luck, but in my book ‘luck’ is an acronym with four letters:

L for Love

U for Uniqueness

C for Courage

K for Knowledge

Fortune favors the brave, and one must test his or her limits by working with people who’ll challenge your powers. This way, you’ll learn more in a year than four years of college.

TNH: How does a woman manage to succeed?

MP: The male-dominated world of shipping presents significant challenges for women. They are required to continuously prove they are equal or even better than their male counterparts just to stay in the game, all the while battling prejudice and misconceptions.

While a woman’s appearance may open doors, this alone never takes her very far. Personality, self-respect, and respect for others, as well as personal skills, are some of the attributes that will determine how much she can excel.

For me, to succeed, you must stay true to yourself.

You must stay in touch with your feminine nature and maintain your sensitivity.

Women are different by nature and have a different perception of the world.

They have the advantage of being calm, patient, perseverant, and are for these reasons useful in crisis management.

We should take advantage of what makes us different and not attempt to assimilate the behavior of men.

TNH: In your experience, how do men react to women who excel in their field?

MP: Some men may still underestimate the abilities of women. I remind myself of a comment attributed to Ann Richards, a former governor of Texas, who was as robust and effective a politician as any man. Think of a blonde Margaret Thatcher with even bigger hair! – without in any way compromising her femininity.

In reply to a comment about the role of women in a so-called man’s world such as politics or business, she said:

“Fred Astaire got all the attention in the movies he made with Ginger Rogers. But you know what? Ginger could do everything Fred could do on the dance floor, only backward and in high heels! That’s the difference between a man’s and a woman’s abilities!”

TNH: Men usually say that women are very emotional. Do you believe this is the case?

MP: We come from a culture where women are branded “too emotional” as though emotions are a bad thing. In my leadership journey, I have decided I will embrace my feelings because they are part of what makes me who I am. Emotions are part of being an authentic leader; we cannot be cynical about leadership and success.

TNH: Do you find that success evokes envy?

MP: Indeed it does. Successful people are disliked, although success itself is admired and desired by all. People seldom appreciate that to be on top significant sacrifices are required on a personal level.

TNH: Is success achieved once and for all in life?

MP: On the contrary, it is fluid. It is a never-ending battle, and one must work through the challenges forever, adapting, and evolving. One should never take it for granted.

We must always endeavor to set new targets and never hesitate in the face of adversity; otherwise, we are destined to fail.

Success and failure go hand-in-hand. There is always a risk of failure; however, this should not discourage us. We should endeavor to be fearless, learn from our mistakes, and rise above.

As Leonardo Da Vinci once said, “Iron rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind. So we must stretch ourselves to the very limits of human possibility. Anything less is a sin.”

TNH: What is the recipe for remaining successful?

MP: Four letters come to my mind: S.M.A.R.T.

S for Specific

M for Measurable

A for Attainable

R for Relevant

T for Timely

TNH: Do you have a few tips for young women wanting to succeed in this field?

MP: Yes, this list:

* Ethics

* Professionalism

* Hard Work

* Very Good Human Relationships

* Making Friends and Not Enemies

* Being Positive and Supportive of Others

* Not Talking Negatively about People Behind Their Backs

* Not Gossiping, as People Will Not Confide in You

* Being Humble

* Being Fair to Others

* Keeping an Open Mind

* Keeping Personal Information to Yourself

* Being Careful with Your Appearance

* Making Sure You Are Adaptable, So There Is Always Room For Innovation, Learning, and Sharing

* Being Optimistic

* Never Losing Your Sense of Humor

And Always Remember: People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel!

TNH: Did your environment growing up help you?

MP: Undeniably, as I do not believe you can achieve success singlehandedly. You need the support of others. Mine came from my family: my parents, my siblings Poppy and Vassilis, and later my niece Evelina who entered my life and provided inspiration.

I was also fortunate to have a dedicated team in my office who have assisted me along the way.

Over the years, I had the privilege of creating a significant network of associates and clients who have become friends and entrusted me with their business as a recognition of my hard work.

Without them by my side, I must confess I would not be here today.

TNH: Do you feel you have fully accomplished your goals?

MP: NO, there are still many targets to be set and fulfilled. If one feels there is nothing left to accomplish, the spirit breaks, arrogance takes its place, and bad news follows.

TNH: What makes life more enjoyable?

MP: Life is gratifying if family and friends surround you. They are the motivation for setting new goals, and any success is only truly of value when you can share with them the joy and satisfaction attained. The best future is happening!



Working Luncheon with honored guest speaker Mr Ioannis Plakiotakis , Greek Minister of shipping and Islands Policy

Piraeus, November 14, 2019



The Piraeus Marine Club Enhances Its Role as a Center for Regional Intelligence for its Membership


On Tuesday November 12th, 2019 the Piraeus Marine Club featured a talk as a part of its series of Working Luncheons highlighting key current events issues, this time with honored guest speaker Mr. Ioannis Plakiotakis, Greek Minister of Shipping and Islands Policy, and entitled “Developments in Greek Shipping”

The audience had the opportunity to raise questions to Mr. Plakiotakis and an engaging discussion ensued.

For further information please contact Mr. Evripides Salapasides, Piraeus Marine Manager, at 210 42 93 606 or email:   or visit our website:


Working Luncheon with honored guest speaker Mr. Yannis Stournaras, Governor of the Bank of Greece, at Piraeus Marine Club on 10/10/2019

Piraeus, October 14, 2019



The Piraeus Marine Club Enhances Its Role as a Center for Regional Intelligence for its Membership


On Thursday October 10th, 2019 the Piraeus Marine Club featured a talk as a part of its series of Working Luncheons highlighting key current events issues, this time with honored guest speaker Mr. Yannis Stournaras, Governor of the Bank of Greece, and entitled “Greek Economy and Greek Shipping”

The audience had the opportunity to raise questions to Mr. Stournaras and an engaging discussion ensued.

For further information please contact Mr. Evripides Salapasides, Piraeus Marine Manager, at 210 42 93 606 or email:   or visit our website:


Download Full Document: Press Release Mr Stournaras Yannis Working Luncheon at the Piraeus Marine Club 10.10.2019